Brown Bag Lunch

The Third Saturday of each month we put together over eighty lunches to distribute to the community and to some of our homebound. There is no charge, we just want people to know that Jesus loves them. We offer prayer along with each lunch for those who so desire. 
We prepare the lunches at the church and distribute them from the Center of Bellevue, conveniently located in the center of Bellevue along Lincoln Avenue. 

The next lunch will be February 17. We begin distribution of the lunches around 10:30. 

We often have tables with toiletries and during the colder months some winter clothing.


45 N Fremont Ave
Pittsburgh PA 15202


Phone: (412) 761-1600

Office Hours

Monday      9 am - 1 pm

Wednesday 9 am - 1 pm

Thursday     9 am - 1 pm

Start a website - See here